Mountaineering Buckle
This little knowledge of craft hardware accessories, you know? Mountaineering Buckle ring is not only in the exercise can be used in it, ordinary life also has a very powerful function! Today, the life of the Magic Network small series to tell you the mountain buckle ring in the life of the classic little wonderful!
First trick: Fixing dog ropes
Dogs must often take their dogs out for a walk, and often encounter the need to tie up the dog, but if the ropes are knotted, it is more troublesome to untie them, but if you add a mountaineering buckle to the end of the rope, it will become much simpler.
Second trick: Aquarius Hoop
Summer out usually need to carry water bottles, can be very inconvenient if you keep holding with your hands, but if you have a mountaineering buckle, you can hang the bottle more convenient to carry.
The third trick: finishing the rubber band
Sometimes a two rubber band will not feel very messy, but if it is a pile of rubber bands, it will appear messy, then if there is a mountaineering buckle ring, you can string all the rubber bands together, will become neat and easy to use.
Lesson IV: Extended Key Chain
Put the key in the pocket sometimes still feel very unsafe, afraid of loss, but if the key connected to the end of the mountaineering buckle tied to the waist, the other end of the key can be placed in the pocket, so that it is safe and not afraid of loss.
Tip V: fixing plugs and sockets
The junction of two extension plugs is easy to rip off, but with a mountaineering buckle, you can hold them firmly.
Part VI: Flashlight ring
With a mountaineering buckle on the flashlight, it is much easier to hang outside the bag and use it, which can be used on top of what is commonly used and difficult to find.
The seventh trick: when the bottle opener is used
When you want to drink and can't find the bottle opener, the mountaineering buckle ring can also be used as a bottle opener.